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January 27, 2012

I Will Follow you

Today a young lady was riding my bus but didn't know how to get to her intended destination. While I was driving, she approached me and asked how to get to Greenbelt, Maryland. I told her about a metro bus that could take her there, but I didn't know about a train.

Another bus passenger, overhearing the conversation, interjected with specific instructions on how to get to Greenbelt via the train. While giving instructions to the lost passenger, the knowledgeable passenger stated that she, too, was going to Greenbelt.

The lost passenger said, "Then I'll just follow you. I'm from New Orleans. We don't have rail systems like here in Baltimore. Heck, we only have street cars for transportation."

The bus erupted in laughter.

Welcome to the big city, traveler. I hope you get to your destination.